Benelda Wells
P.O. Box n-405
Nassau, Bahamas
VAT Invoice
Tax Identification Number (TIN): 107016618
Invoice Number | INV-0923 |
Invoice Date | March 3, 2023 |
Due Date | March 13, 2023 |
Total Due | $0.00 |
P.O. Box N-1658
Nassau, Bahamas
TAX ID: 100005668
Hrs/Qty | Service | Rate/Price | Sub Total |
1 | Work done for FMC & DEN: FEBRUARY Created new lcds and prepared new monthly rotation on all screens |
$15,125.00 | $15,125.00 |
1 | Social Media Costs: Facebook and Instagram - FMC & DEN Ad campaigns and boosted posts & videos: |
$1,721.69 | $1,721.69 |
1 | Image procurement Images for use in promotions, website, printed materials, lcd graphics, etc |
$100.00 | $100.00 |
3 | Live Chat Quarterly Subscription Three-operator subscription for website customer service chat feature. |
$97.20 | $291.60 |
Sub Total | $17,238.29 |
VAT | $1,723.83 |
Paid | -$18,962.12 |
Total Due | $0.00 |
Please make cheques payable to COCOLUPE
Transfer & direct deposit details:
Commonwealth Bank (Bahamas)
Branch #21107 • Cable Beach, Nassau
Beneficiary Account:
Account Name: Coco Lupe
Account Number: 7054362